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When a tooth is severely damaged by an injury or decay, it may not necessarily need to be extracted, but the strength and integrity of the tooth may be compromised. A tooth in this condition may need to have a dental crown placed on it. The dental crown is a general dentistry procedure that provides protection and helps stabilize a weakened tooth. Without it, the tooth is susceptible to further damage, which could result in extraction.

Dental crowns are placed on teeth that have large cavities or those that have undergone root canal therapy. Your back teeth must withstand hundreds of pounds of pressure every time you bite down. If a molar becomes damaged and part of it is gone or if it is weakened due to root canal therapy, the healthy part of the tooth absorbs more pressure. This increases the risk for additional damage. Unless the tooth is protected and strengthened, it could break or crack under the increased pressure.

Rather than the pressure being concentrated on only the healthy part of the tooth, the dental crown allows the pressure to be spread out across the entire surface of the tooth. The crown completely covers the exposed part of the tooth above the gumline. In addition to providing protection to a compromised tooth, the dental crown also provides a natural look and feel. Dental crowns can restore the beauty of your smile.

Restoring Form and Function

Dental crowns are used to protect weakened teeth, and they also have other applications. When a dental bridge is required to close the gap caused by a missing tooth between teeth, dental crowns are part of the restoration. The artificial tooth that replaces the missing tooth is called a pontic. The pontic bridges the gap and is attached to crowns, which are placed on the abutment teeth that are adjacent to the gap. The abutment teeth need to be prepared so the crowns can fit on them comfortably. Once the fit is perfect, the crowns are cemented into place.

Dental crowns are also used on implants. The implant itself is a titanium pin that is placed in the jawbone where the missing tooth used to be. Once the implant has integrated with the bone, an abutment piece is placed on the implant and a crown is placed on the abutment.

Dental crowns can be used in a variety of situations. They add strength and protection to weak or damaged teeth and are used to help restore missing teeth. Dental crowns can also be used solely for aesthetic reasons to enhance the appearance of your smile.

The Avalon Dental Group will make sure your crown looks and feels natural while providing the form and function needed. Contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment to find out if you are a good candidate for a dental crown.

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